How do I point my domain to my hosting provider?

If you are using our business web hosting services, we will setup your domain name and web hosting to you.
If you are using other web hosting services. 
For customers: After you have purchased your domain name and received confirmation of registration, you will need to log in to your account at and update your name servers to point to your hosting provider’s servers.
For customers: After you have purchased your domain name and received confirmation of registration, you will need to log in to your Domain Manager at and update your name servers to point to your hosting provider’s servers. If your web hosting company do not provide you name servers, only assigned you an IP address, you have to buy a DNS hosting, then add A record to point your domain name to your web hosting IP.
To buy DNS hosting at, 
  1. Log in to your Domain Manager at
  2. Click on the "Manage Domains" from the menu on the left
  3. Click on the Domain you wish to use
  4. Find "DNS Services" Tab, click on "Buy Now" and follow the screen instruction 

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